Manchester Response Pastor Deployment

On 22nd May late evening there was the life devastating terrorist explosion at the Manchester Arena. There were 23 adults and children killed and 116 were injured, some critically. The emergency and rescue services responded quickly and have been working...

Warning re use of Naloxone, a prescription only medicine

Dear Coordinators Warning re use of Naloxone, a prescription only medicine As we enter a new year many of our Street Pastors will come into contact with individuals whilst out on patrols who are drug users and/or suffering from the effects of drugs use.  I pray...

Prayer Month 24/7

Hi everybody We are well into our month of 24/7 prayer and we want to encourage you to keep up the great effort. Prayer is such an important part of the work that we do. It unites us in fellowship and continues to direct us as Jesus invites us to partner in building...

Unauthorised Uniforms

Sadly it has come to our attention that some initiatives are using items of uniform which have not been provided by Ascension Trust but bear the Street Pastors name and branding.  This is just a reminder that the Street Pastors name, logo, images and branding are...

Scheduled Maintenance & Upgrade

This week Ascension Trust have become aware of scam emails purporting to come from ‘Help Desk’ with the subject ‘Scheduled Maintenance & Upgrade’, and have been seeking email usernames and passwords in connection with upgrading email accounts.

These emails did not come from Ascension Trust.