Prayer- the unseen key to the success of every ministry of the church.
Prayer Vision For Ascension Trust…
It is our vision to create a strong and healthy foundation of prayer across Ascension Trust.
Our goal is for prayer to be a vital part of every project. The Ascension Trust Prayer Team aims to mobilise prayer, by:
- Providing prayer training materials for Street Pastors & Prayer Pastors
- Facilitating Prayer Pastors training across the country
- Organising Prayer Gathering Days in various areas, to encourage and inspire
- Helping coordinators / prayer coordinators to implement the prayer strategy at a local level.
We want to develop a culture of prayer at every level of Ascension Trust, where street pastors, school & college pastors, rail pastors, response pastors, prayer pastors, coordinators and trustees are united in depending on God alone for direction, provision and protection in each initiative.
Importance of Prayer- prayer is important because it is about our relationship with God.
In prayer, we learn to keep in step with the Holy Spirit and go deeper with God.
Prayer is our God-given weapon, as we take a stand with His authority against the dark powers that want to take over our cities and nations.
As we pray, we receive strength and faith to continue in the work we are called to: shining God’s light into dark places.
National Prayer Team (ATPRs)
Louise Isaac (London)
020 8330 2809
Barbara Brown (Coleraine)
Dave Mutch (Ormskirk)
Dawn Thurkettle (Rugby)
Do you love to pray?
Get in touch with one of the Prayer Team to find out how to get involved.
A prophetic word of encouragement
The following prophetic word was given to some Luton street pastors as they prayed together on Friday night 6th May.
It was felt that it may well also be relevant to other initiatives across the Street Pastor network:
I am that I am and I am able to do far more than you can ever ask or imagine. Keep praying My children; through your prayers I can and will act, to gather My children to Myself.
I have set you apart for such a time as this. You are My light in the darkness. You are the bearers of My presence, bringing comfort to My people.
Whenever you feel inadequate or not enough, remember that you bear My presence to those in desperate need, to enable Me to send forth My angels to bring deliverance and salvation to those in need.
I am opening your eyes to see as I see, and overwhelming your hearts with My compassion for My people.
I know that you are weary, but continue to stand with Me and in Me and through Me and I will grant you to see things that you have never seen and I will strengthen and encourage you in all things.
The most recent Prayer Gatherings were held in Maidstone (March 2024) and London (April 2024).
The next Gathering is planned for Exeter on Saturday morning 12th April 2025.
For further information contact Charles Lanham on
If you are keen to host an event in your area, do contact Barbara to discuss it.
26th September 2024
14th November 2024
Prayer Pastors
Why do Street Pastors pray?
Christians pray because they want to talk to God about the people and situations in their life – they want to acknowledge and include God in all they do.
Street pastors believe that prayer and action go together, so it’s important to pray and it’s important to do something practical.
Christians believe that God teaches us to pray as our spiritual default response; we believe that through prayer God can change us and our world.
What is a Prayer Pastor?
Prayer is important to us, and our Prayer Pastors are a vital part of what we do.
A Prayer Pastor is someone with a desire to make a difference through prayer in the city/town they live in, and willing to invest in the lives of others.
A prayer pastor must be a committed Christian, over 18 years, an active part of a local church, available to cover one prayer shift a month, ideally at base, (but possibly from home in some locations) and willing to undertake some training.
Prayer Pastors:
- Come to base, support the street pastor teams any way they can and ‘pray them out’
- Stay in contact with the street pastor team on patrol and keep a log of calls & incidents
- Respond to specific needs and situations that arise
- Pray for protection and divine appointments
- See frequent answers to their prayers
- Welcome the street pastors back with refreshments
- Pray to finish the evening, after debriefing
What is a Prayer Partner?
Prayer Partners:
- May not be able to come to base, but are willing to pray from home
- Are often friends, family and fellow church members of Street Pastors
- Have been asked by their street pastor to pray for them personally when they patrol
- Depend on their street pastor to report back on the night’s patrol
- Are welcome to join prayer pastors for prayer training as well as any regular prayer times (whether monthly or quarterly)
- Each street pastor is encouraged to have at least three prayer partners for support
A prayer for Street Pastors
Living God, we praise you for the vision that gave birth to Street Pastors and for every life and every community that has been touched through this movement of your Spirit.
We thank you for every street pastor and we pray for them as they share your love with others. We ask for your protection and encouragement, your wisdom and courage and an ever deepening faith in and love for you.
We pray for those they meet week by week in the pubs and clubs, in the late night cafes, on the streets and at the bus stops.
May those who are lonely be warmed by your presence; those who are bruised and hurting find healing in your love; those that are ashamed and without hope be set free by your forgiveness and grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, you came to seek and to save the lost. Thank you for the privilege of being your hands and feet, your eyes and your heart where we live.
Give us eyes that see as you see, hearts that love as you love, and words that bring life and peace.
And in it all, Lord God, give us thankfulness, generosity and joy in serving you, who to serve is perfect freedom and who to know is Life eternal.
God of Grace, to you be honour, praise and glory, from everlasting to everlasting, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN!
Lots of people have been encouraged by God answering prayer, check out some stories below
Answer to Prayer 1
“In July 2015 we began to pray about our need for a building in Ormskirk, Lancashire. As the building was to be used by Ormskirk Street Pastors and other church community ministries, we knew that it was essential for this to have a town centre location, with close proximity to accessible parking. We also recognised issues of affordability, local demand and limited availability of such properties.
We met on a weekly basis to seek God’s guidance on how we could establish links with local property developers and owners of buildings which were not being fully utilised. We discussed the specifications of vacant commercial properties within the town and we prayed about their future occupancy. And as the weeks progressed, whilst we realised the unsuitability of each of these properties for our requirements, we could see that God was answering our prayers by bringing new businesses into our town. We also understood that He was deepening our trust in His provision and in the scriptures He had given to us.
Over time the focus of our meetings changed as we felt that God was asking us to no longer focus on the building, but on blessing our community. This led to us setting up a number of community ministries, including Ormskirk School Pastors in 2019 – heightening further our need for a community base.
Our launch of Ormskirk School Pastors had been planned for September 2019 and over the summer of 2019 we asked God to show us where we should be based. Imagine our amazement when we received a phone call from one of the contacts we’d made in 2015 – ‘gifting’ us with a town centre located building close to parking facilities. These premises were made available to us for our commencement of Ormskirk School Pastors in September 2019. Praise God for His goodness!”
Answer to Prayer 2
“On Friday evenings the streets of Richmond (Surrey) are patrolled by Street Pastors who are constantly on the alert as to where they may be of assistance.
One evening a young woman was watching a group across the square where a fight was about to break out and realising a friend of hers was involved she went over hoping to intervene, meanwhile leaving her bag on the ground. On her return the bag was missing. Hearing this the Street Pastors offered their help and assuring her they would be praying for the safe return of her bag. Very soon after they recovered the bag, contents intact and it was returned to its grateful owner. Following this incident we would often hear of this young woman recounting what had happened and commending the word of Street Pastors.
There have been several answers to prayer involving lost items such as travel cards, purses, wallets and other items.
An area of constant concern is where fights break out with the potential for real harm. On one such occasion, outside one of the night-clubs two men were fighting with several others ready to join in. The Street Pastors spoke to the two men and the fight suddenly dispersed. On many occasions people have been moved to a place of safety.
The general public in the town are very encouraging and constantly express their feeling of safety having the Street Pastors patrol the streets.
No successful interventions would occur without the backing of prayer. From the moment the teams go out they are undergirded with prayer. Furthermore there is a Prayer Team back at the base being kept in contact by telephone as to any current situation on the streets which requires prayer.
Book Review
A Book Review of “How to Pray – a simple guide for normal people” by Pete Greig
A highly recommended book "How to Pray - a simple guide for normal people" by Pete Greig (which can be read on its own, or linked with free on-line video course and other resources: ). Pete himself says: "Lots of books about prayer are...
Prayer Resources
About Ascension Trust
Ascension Trust is a Christian inter-denominational organisation with a passion to empower individuals to work together within their local community and nation, to contribute positively to society and to improve the quality of life of the disadvantaged and vulnerable.
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