Good afternoon all,
I write as a little reminder and advisory for new ATR’s of the evaluation forms and feedback sheet which should be emailed back to AT [this email] along with the expenses form following the delivering of any training by an ATR.
These are not consistently arriving and we do need them as part of the monitoring and quality control process. The first attached form is for you to give your feedback, the second is an evaluation form which you can ask coordinators to print and make available to participants, the third form is where you summarise the collated evaluation form feedback [some ATR’s scan all the forms in and/or post to us – not required], the last is the form you use for claiming your ‘love gift of £100’ for delivering the training.
These are not new forms, but I want to ensure that everyone has them as not everyone is sending them in.
Kindly ensure to attach them in the week following delivering training, along with your expenses form.
As an aside, many ATR’s are finding it useful to attend and participate in the New Coordinators Induction Day, as it is a very hands on day and covers all aspects of the coordinator role with useful input from Lonnie around training requirements, Dawn, all things legal and governance, Nigel, all things portal, website and email. In addition finance and the role of AT in relationship to the initiatives. As you are aware when you turn up to deliver training you are quite often met with a number of issues, queries and questions, not just around the training day which the area has saved up for you to ‘sort’ as a AT rep, when you arrive. Some ATR’s have advised me that having attended the coordinators induction day to ensure they are up to date, enabled them to be confident and competent in responding.
So I have attached a flyer for that also. It say’s £15 but if any ATR’s wish to attend, £10 would be acceptable just to cover your lunch and refreshments.
Do not hesitate to come back to me if you need further clarity. Have a good weekend.
Development Officer