Ascension Trust has joined the Missing People Support Partner Network. Any of our initiatives can now access the service provided by the network.

Missing People (formerly known as the National Missing Persons Helpline) works alongside the police, helping with publicity and support for the families of missing individuals. It also runs a helpline that is open 24/7 for missing people, children thinking of running away, the families of missing people and anyone else who needs help or support in this area.


Missing People also takes calls on its helpline number for the #SaySomething child sexual exploitation campaign and has just relaunched the Runaway Helpline with a new website aimed at young people.

The Support Partner Network

The Support Partner Network is a network of safeguarding agencies across the country that receives Missing People’s briefings when a vulnerable person goes missing.

How can the Missing People network help your SPI to be more effective? 

  • information about its helpline, which is free, confidential and open 24/7
  • with the email briefing when someone goes missing in your area
  • through its ‘message home’ service to pass a letter or message to a loved one or friend
  • through its ‘lost contact’ service for people who are trying to trace a family member
  • with three-way calls to family, police, social services, etc., and support for the missing person as they make these calls.

If you think that your local team would benefit by becoming a Missing People Support Partner please go to the Missing People website and sign up for an information pack using the webform on the Support Partner Page. If you have any questions please contact Kate Graham at