Getting trainees ready for action in as efficient manner as possible means reducing the time that some have to wait to catch up a missed session. One way that we can tackle this is by making sure that all coordinators are alerted to training sessions planned by other areas in their region.

You are all well aware that in any group of Street Pastors trainees there are inevitably a handful who can’t attend certain dates or events. Sometimes those people have to wait a few months or longer to complete a session of training.

We would like to reduce this waiting time and help you to get more trainees fully active on the streets.

One way that we can address this is by making sure that we publicise training regionally. By maintaining a list of all planned training we can inform SPIs of training sessions that are taking place near to them which their recruits might be able to travel to and thus complete that part of their training.

In order to get this initiative off the ground, please could you:

  • send Ascension Trust a list of all training session dates in your area so that we can inform neighbouring areas who are looking for alternative dates in their locality.
  • send all this information, together with any queries and ATR booking requests to

Thank you!