Cancellation of Street Pastor Weekend Events
Following government advice we are regrettably cancelling all scheduled Street Pastor Weekend events until further notice. We hope you and your loved ones remain safe and well during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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quizzes | contests | raffle prizes | music | children’s games | cake baking | much more!

Why Should My Church Host A Street Pastor Weekend Event?
- Strengthen the relationships between your church, your local authority and other possible community links.
- Bring your community together for a day of fun while highlighting practical solutions to issues in their community.
- Opportunity for you to support your local Street Pastor initiative
For more information about hosting our event at your church, download our information pack below.

Check here soon for a spotlight feature on each participating church, their exact Street Pastor Sunday activities and link to their website.
Street Pastors is an initiative of Ascension Trust.
Ascension Trust is a charity, registered in England and Wales, no. 1127204, and company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 06751712.
Registered address: Alpha House, 158 Garth Road , Morden, London, SM4 4TQ.