7th May 2020

In response, The Ascension Trust and its CEO, Les Isaac OBE have partnered with with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), Christ Hospital Ministry (CHM), Dr Joan Myers OBE, Through the Roof, and Marva Bell, MBACP (Counsellors Inc) to raise funds that will be used to purchase PPE equipment for frontline workers.
Frontline employees who work directly with people in social care, community care, residential care and charitable settings will be given PPE, bought with funds raised from this initiative.
Funds raised will also be used to practically support frontline staff and who’ve suffered loss.
The Ascension Trust and their supporting partners are asking the public to support this initiative and donate financially to this cause. For instance, a donation of £12 can buy 4 boxes of latex-free gloves.
Dr Chi-Chi Ekhator MRCPCH, MRCGP, an Ascension Trust director stated: “At this challenging time, our thoughts and prayers are with those families, communities and frontline workers affected by COVID-19. Ascension Trust and our partners are here to offer practical assistance in whatever way we can within our means.”
Dr Joan Myers, OBE, commented: “It is imperative that frontline staff have the protection required to do their work effectively without fear of succumbing to COVID-19 or taking it back home to their families. We have heard their call for practical support in the provision of PPE and we would like to do as much as we can by donating PPE to frontline community staff so they can feel safe to go to work.”
Richard Reddie, Director of Justice and Inclusion at CTBI said: “The COVID-19 virus continues to wreak havoc in our country (and around the world) with many of us losing loved ones, or knowing those who have been impacted by this crisis. While it is vital that we continue to pray for those affected, we must also support those in the frontline of the battle to tackle the virus. We can do this via prayer, but also through offering this type of practical support.”
For more information contact the Ascension Trust team:
0208 329 9642
The public can visit to find out more about this appeal and make a donation
A Just Giving page has been set up to collect donations.
Please click HERE for full details
If anyone would like to make a donation via a bank account. Here are the details.
Bank name: Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
Account Name: Ascension Trust
Account Number: 10086387
Sort Code: 16-00-93
Reference to use with payments: COVID19 APPEAL
If you would like acknowledgement that we have received your donations- please email
Ascension Trust is a Christian inter-denominational charity established in 2003 and the umbrella body for a number of church-led initiatives, the best-known of which is Street Pastors. Ascension Trust also serves communities through initiatives such as Prayer Pastors, School Pastors, Rail Pastors, Response Pastors, the Synergy Network and Urban Youth Mission. Ascension Trust’s motto is “Equipping to Serve”.
For more information visit
Churches Together Britain and Ireland (CTBI) serves the churches in Britain and Ireland on the shared journey towards the full visible unity in Christ. As an agency of the churches through the four nations of Britain and Ireland, we aim, among other issues, to facilitate effective collaborative working.
For more information visit
Christ Hospital Ministry (CHM) serves those suffering from long term illness and some of the most vulnerable groups in society. Their services include practical help for young people with mental health challenges rehabilitation after hospital discharge, counselling and pastoral care.
For more information visit
Through the Roof is a Christian disability charity that changes the lives of disabled people around the world and helps others to change lives too. They want to see everyone valued equally, fully belong, and able to contribute their gifts and skills.
For more information visit