As a result of the heart-breaking events in Streatham Highstreet on Sunday 2nd February, teams of fully trained Response Pastors were able to come together to bring God’s presence to the situation. After putting a call out on the Monday morning we were able to have 12 people willing and able to respond to the call. This allowed us to have teams on both Tuesday and Wednesday. We were extremely grateful to be able to use Manna Christian Book shop as the base for both days, (a big thankyou to Dave and all those at the shop). Each team walked around the area having impactful conversations, particularly with people who were working in the shops near where the incident occurred.
Roger Clarke who’d patrolled on Tuesday highlighted that they’d been able to have ‘lots of wonderful conversations, especially with a local PSCO‘ He also felt, ‘Streatham has been shocked and hurt but they are resilient and will grow back in closer unity.‘ From the Wednesday Patrol Judy Vaugh stated, “The main experience I came away with was seeing God at work in the community, how people came together to support each other despite it being a difficult time … really heartening”.
Each of the teams gave a big shout out to Richard Munten Smith, as he is local to the area, he was able to guide the teams he participated in around and was able to converse with the community in an integral way. We want to honour and thank all those who patrolled over the two days and were willing to respond to the call at such short notice. We ask that as a network we continue to pray for all those in Streatham and for peace to be brought down to earth.
Once again thank you to the Response Pastors team.
If you feel you could respond to a situation like this and bring Gods presence and light then please email and sign up to the 202 Response Pastors Training taking place on 30th May at Alpha House in Morden .