Over the years you will have seen many applications from Christians who want to train to be street pastors. We understand that applicants who are disabled in some way may present extra logistical challenges for patrolling teams, but we would like to remind you that disability does not automatically exclude a volunteer from the process of applying to become a street pastor.
We have street pastors who patrol in wheelchairs and mobility scooters. We have partially deaf street pastors and we know of a blind street pastor. Applications from such volunteers must not be automatically accepted or dismissed, but evaluated wisely.
We encourage you to process applications from disabled volunteers sensitively and with care. It is the responsibility of the Management Committee to ensure that the necessary risk assessment is carried out and to come to a decision on the application. The Risk Assessment Form is found in the Management & Coordinator pack.
Please remember that we are here to help those who have a heart to serve. This is best done responsibly and with wisdom.